Beautiful work !
Usually i don't comment on animations to much, i don't see why i don't do it more so, but i felt it was necessary to do so on this one.
This is a beautiful piece of work, i was absolutely captivated by it. Its these sorts of animations that give me that extra kick and leave me with a smile knowing that something quite meaningful and creative can still be produced among all the crappy comedy flash's created these days.
What i admire the most about this video is your msg, you obviously hold this message dear to you or you believe these words are rather special to you, for you to share this msg with other people and in a creative and beautiful way is a very special thing, and i congratulate you for doing such an excellent job.
So regardless of all the negative reviews you receive, banish them, you did a brilliant job and you should feel proud of your achievement. When i posted my first flash animation i received alot of mixed reviews, getting it called " emo " and so fourth, haters are always going to hate. But honestly, who gives a flying donkey crap.
At any rate excellent flash, it was engaging to watch, visuals were beautiful, the audio was nice and clear and could be understood. loved it !!